记录网站注册, 电子邮件, 通讯工具, 卡片和其他生活密码信息,
Register Website registration, communication tool, e-mail,
card information and other password,
to prevent a user forget the user name and the password.
1, 所有信息本地存储, 确保用户信息安全
2, 支持密码分类--网站注册, 通信工具, 邮件, 卡片, 和其他
3, 支持添加任意密码信息字段
4, 支持密码信息分类显示, 清晰直观
5, 支持密码访问
6, 支持忘记密码密码提示
7, 支持忘记密码密码找回
1, All information stored locally
2, Support password classification -- website registration, communication tools, e-mail, cards, and other password
3, Support add any password information field
4, Password information classified display, clear and intuitive
5, Support password access
6, Support password reminder while forget password
7, Support retrieve password while forget password